Jubair Bhati is a ‘Prospective Member’ of International Institute of Space Law (IISL) and a Student Ambassador of LexisNexis India, shares his experience on Diploma with NUJS.
I have completed NUJS Diploma in Entrepreneurship Administration and Business Laws from iPleaders. My overall experience was good. The entire team of iPleaders is very accommodative. All of them are very quick in every response. Guidance through webinars was very innovative. They are full of practical information which plays a very important part in this course. These webinars helps to understand the course contents better. Though the contents are wonderful and explained in the easiest manner. All the modules are designed in such a way that it will help the students to acquire practical knowledge about Business Laws. It helped me to learn various practical aspects of business laws.
Currently, I got my Internship at Trilegal, Mumbai. I’ll always refer this course to my friends of same area of practice as it is the best doubt clarifying course on Business Laws I have ever come across.
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